Friday, June 3, 2011

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  • ehoui
    Apr 27, 05:56 PM
    Would you want Donald Trump as our president? I am really on the fence for this one. This is the first time I am allowed to vote so I am paying attention to politics more than ever. I mean it would be good to have a completely loaded president so he "can" spend some of his money for the economy, which Trump says he will do. We all know that all politicians are liars though. Trump has changed his mind about a lot of things such as abortion, socialism, and Obama's health care plan. A little while back Trump voted for the three previous things I said but has recently changed his mind. This makes me think he will be unstable when it comes to decisions as a president. Also I don't take him seriously. So what do you think about Trump for president?

    It should not matter what "I think" about Trump as it relates to your vote. But, I think you are trying to get a deeper sense of the candidate by asking others, which seems both reasonable yet misguided to me. My suggestion is that, at the end of the day, vote your conscience based on what HE SAYS and DOES and not what others interpret. You have a moral compass, use it.

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  • MacNut
    Apr 25, 11:21 AM
    Trump is a good businessman... which may be good for corporations if he gets elected. IMO though, what we need is a President who looks out for the people, not business.

    Either way, I don't see a Republican candidate winning at the moment. Obama, even with "low" ratings, has enough to win re-election.To be honest I don't think we will ever find a president that works for the people again. They love and need their rich donors to get elected.

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  • jedivulcan
    Jan 19, 04:42 PM
    I love Nintendo and thought they made great portable gaming systems but I think this is a serious misstep. I reserve my final judgment until I get my hands on a system myself.

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  • Jett0516
    Mar 19, 04:51 PM
    what kind of school would need the ipad over a mac or pc?


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  • ipedro
    Apr 19, 09:06 PM
    Actually there is an option to turn the indicator light on, in System Prefs. I think quitting, closing and opening apps is perfect the way it is.

    ... to apease old school folks like yourself. It's off by default. OSX has always been about not having to think about managing the OS and focusing on being productive, creative and enjoying the purpose of the computer. Letting the OS manage system resources is the next logical step.

    Apps don't need to be running if they're not being used. If the OS saves all work and opening an app is nearly instantaneous, then there is no difference between a running app or a closed app running some services in the background.

    Nonetheless, the ability to turn the lights back on is a temporary transitional ability. It will no doubt be gone in the OS after Lion and only few people clinging to the past will look to turn them on.

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  • ColoJohnBoy
    May 22, 11:28 AM
    As I write this, I am sitting at my parent's old Compaq Presario 5000, with 750 MHz AMD Duron, 576 MB RAM, 30 GB Hard Drive, and 64 MB NVidia GeForce 2 card (Most of it I have upgraded myself) and running Windows XP Home. I have used PCs for about ten years now. I am familiar with them, I know exactly where to find everthing on them, how to fix everything on them.... I know how everything works, even in XP. Yet Last June, I switched to Mac. Why?

    1) Design. PC computers are just hideous. Really, they're simply not attractive to look at. The only one that comes glose is Gateway's All-In-One computer. But even that is no iMac. Apple computers really are beautiful. They're simple, graceful, and durable.

    2) Mac OS X. Like I said, I know every Windows OS inside and out, having used every iteration of it for ten years. Yet I prefer OS X. Just like the physical design of the computer, OS X is simple, graceful, and durable. What some might perceive as "dumbed down" I see as rid of the unneecessary aspects that all but a small fraction of the computer user population use. It's clear and straightforward, and never have I experienced any problems with it. I admit, it has crashed twice. But both times it was because I was trying to run a severly faulty program. That's two crashes in one year. I'm lucky if I can make it through one day without having Windows (Yes, even XP) crash twice.

    3) iApps. I've been using my parents computer lately, and looking for a good MP3 program to use while I do. I've been spoilt by iTunes. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, for PCs that works as well as iTunes. I've been using MusicMatch, but after iTunes it seems clunky, redundant, and difficult to use. Dare I say, unintuitive.

    4) Health. I have enough headaches in my life already. I don't need even the small stresses that crashes, program errors, and unintuitive programs cause. I don't stress out when I'm using my Macs. It's like electronic aspirin.

    I admit to bashing Pcs. But I must defend myself by saying that I use them enough to be entitled to such bashing. For me, Macs are better, and I bash them with good reason.

    That, and bashing PCs is just fun ;)



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  • WaRrK
    Aug 14, 12:09 PM
    From the interview:

    Anyone else from england think of Michael Winner when they read this bit? :D
    I hadn't but that just wont get out of my head now!! :D

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  • gnasher729
    Mar 25, 10:35 AM
    Samsung and LG already settled with Kodak.

    Kodak's (NYSE:EK) market cap is < $1B.

    Why doesn't Apple just buy them and continue the suit against RIM?

    Probably because Apple's lawyers and engineers have looked at the patent, decided there is little risk for Apple having to pay up, and Apple has no intention spending money to buy ailing companies, and Apple has no intention of suing RIM with patents that RIM is most likely not infringing on either.

    And of course it would open up Apple to an avalanche of lawsuits from companies that are not doing too well, have some patent that is vaguely related to some Apple product, and would sue Apple in the hope of being bought out.


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  • Snowy_River
    Nov 14, 01:25 PM
    Moved to another thread. (

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  • TheMacBookPro
    Apr 24, 01:55 AM
    see this youtube video and you will be able to determine whether CPU affects the overall speed more than GPU. This guy compared 11" MBA(with 320M graphics) and 13" sandy bridge MBP with SSD(with Intel 3000HD graphics )

    Of course sandy bridge MBA won't use full power sandy bridge. But you will know that MBA's performance is just overpraised by SSD, not by GPU. Once other notebooks get SSD, MBA's benefit is only limited to small form factor and weight.(maybe + high resolution)

    I just don't understand people overpraising 320M on MBA, this made me to join here.

    2GB RAM = Apps will probably have to use the paging file = slower.

    But yes, the additional power of the i-series CPU will inevitably beat the GPU's power for most tasks. Gaming is another question altogether.

    People who want to keep the 320M are mostly people who want to do light gaming on their Airs.


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  • TheMacBookPro
    Apr 25, 07:53 AM
    That's pretty cool. Trust Sony to push the envelope like that.

    Sony had a lot of innovative products in 2010 but they (for no discernible reason) decided to discontinue all three products (VAIO Z, X, P).

    The P fits in my pocket, the X is insanely light and thin (and somehow managing to shoehorn internal Ethernet and VGA to something that's lighter/thinner/smaller than the Air) and the Z was simply astonishing. Non-LV i7 proc, GT330M graphics, 512GB SSD, Blu-ray and a Full HD 13.1" LED screen (covering 96% of Adobe's RGB colors!) in something that was the same weight as the last-gen 13" Air.

    Why they discontinued them I'll never know. Glad I bought them while I could :)

    Ignoring current situations and if I could have it any way I want:

    Macbook Air 11.6''

    - Intel I5 ULV, 6mb FSB

    - Nvidia GeForce GTX 460M

    - SD Card Slot

    - Thunderbolt Port in ADDITION to 2 USB ports.

    - Get rid of the bezel around the screen and either make the screen slightly larger or make it black edge similar to MBP.

    I would just settle for the i5 and Nvidia chip. As for the collapsable ethernet port... moving parts? ew.

    And somehow having to buy/carry around another bulky dongle, and using up another one of the USB ports, is better?

    Not to mention that the internal Ethernet port could support up to Gigabit speeds while the extEthernet would only support up to 100Mbps (due to USB's limitation of 480mbps).

    Yeah, all of the above limitations/annoyances sounds way better than having a collapsible Ethernet port :rolleyes:

    ...and GTX460M in an Air? Yeah good luck with that. Do you want worse battery life and a melted casing or what?

    Is this not a dream thread!

    Fine 410m.

    @ Retina display. I seriously doubt IGP 3000 is capable of even running OS X at this resolution let alone anything 3D based like a game.

    You do realize that the 410M is a dedicated graphics chip? There is no space for a dedicated card on the Air's mobo.
    Besides- the 410M performs slightly worse than the HD3000 and is thus worse than the current 320M. And thus, if you doubt the HD3000 can run OS X at a 'retina' resolution, good luck with the 410M. The only thing going for the 410 is the better NVIDIA drivers.

    Not if you have this

    See above.

    I bet it will come in the next 2 years ;)

    We'll see. I highly doubt it, but we'll see.

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  • RacerX
    Apr 3, 01:43 PM
    Great post. I've heard of Pages by Pages, but I didn't think that Apple's Pages was a direct descendant. While I took programming classes in college on a NeXT box, I never used the app and thought it was more of a classic word processor.
    A lot of people didn't give Pages a try back then... it was a little expensive ($795), and I was using FrameMaker for papers on NeXT systems back then.

    As for the rest of the discussion about comparing Pages to other apps...

    I think it's absolutely fair to compare Pages to what else is out there...
    What I see Pages as trying to do (again) is to define a new category.

    I've seen the same thing happen with Create. When people try to do a toe-to-toe line up on some other app's specialty area, it is going to fall short. Compare Create to Illustrator in doing illustration and Illustrator wins... But it should, after all it is a dedicated illustration app, while Create is not. Compare Create to InDesign or QuarkXPress for page layout and those other apps win... But they should, after all they are dedicated layout apps. Further, all those dedicated apps cost far more than Create.

    The problem is that most people hold up what is new to what they know. I think that if something like Create was held up to QuarkXPress looking at both apps illustration abilities, that would be just as fair. It is when we restrict these newer (to most people) apps to categories that they are not attempting to compete in directly that the comparisons fall far short.

    I truly believe that apps like Pages and Create fill voids that exist in the software industry today. First, they don't cost as much as high end solutions. Second, they address some ranges of users which other companies try to force into high or low end apps. The gulf between the high end and low end has been getting larger over the years.

    Pages lets people with little background make quality documents. Create provides a middle ground for people with experience that don't have the money or need for the top of the line professional apps.

    Rather than pushing these into other categories, we should embrace these apps for filling these gaps in our (collective) software selection.

    As I said, Pages, is not for me... but it is a solution for someone and I recognize that. And I sure don't need (or want) Apple to redefine it around my needs at the expense of those it is design to serve.


    I guess the point I'm trying to make is that just because Pages isn't the app that some people want it to be doesn't make it a bad app or one that doesn't have it's place in the computing world.


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  • Mantat
    Oct 17, 08:51 AM
    Ok... here is what is coming:

    its not going to be a 'normal cel phone', its going to work ONLY via wireless internet connexion. Why? this is the only way for Apple to compete againts the other distributors. Apple doesnt have the network and all suppliers will see them as a threat. So by using the internet, they are free from the competitors.

    Think about it! Why would Apple release a 'normal' phone? If they make a phone, its going to be the most innovative phone that can be and what else is better than a phone that doesnt cost anything per month with free and unlimited calls?

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  • Riemann Zeta
    Apr 28, 09:17 AM
    $29, Not a chance. Probably at least $79.
    I don't see anything in Lion that would warrant that kind of pricing: some minor UI changes and lots of under-the-hood optimizations...sounds a whole lot like Snow Leopard.


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  • netdog
    Oct 27, 03:04 AM
    It's still a ripoff.


    So don't get it. Obviously many agree with you, and many don't, myself included.

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  • Gondry
    Oct 26, 02:10 PM
    Amazed to see the queue down the street and round the corner, joined it at 6.30pm fortunately it moved fast and was out the door with my copy within 20 minutes. Would have been quicker if I'd known about the upstairs!


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  • panzer06
    Dec 28, 02:25 PM
    This may just be the beginning. The article in Wired talks about "Data Hogs" and how ATT has been trying to get them to throttle back their usage. How, I don't know. I've been noticing more and more dropped calls on 3G as of late, so much that I have to disable it just to be able to make and complete a call.


    I regularly disable 3G so I can make calls. On long road trips I drive with a Verizon powered WiFi Access Point so I can have data (wifi) and AT&T's Edge network. Way, way, way. way too many dropped calls on 3G. No way to get through a 20 min con call using AT&T's 3G network (though I suspect the iphone itself may cause some of these drops).


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  • KohPhiPhi
    Apr 20, 05:54 PM
    My MBA Ultimate is perfect for me right now as my sole working machine. This is simply a super balanced laptop for those seeking mobility and reasonable performance. No need for me to fix what's not broken right now.

    I won't be jumping in on a SB+HD3000 upgrade, so I will pass on the next update until Ivy comes out (as long as it's paired with a decent GPU and not with a lame HD3000-like).

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  • paeza
    Apr 5, 08:26 PM
    I wanna be a normal person!!!

    Oct 16, 06:32 PM
    I hope they come up with a CDMA version of the iPhone for Verizon too...
    Hopefully it should be out at the MWSF!

    Apr 1, 10:58 AM
    TV is trash anyway. Who has time left to waste watching commercials & shodily slapped together shows?

    Have time to kill? Do something constructive on Inkpad or iDraw.
    Want some light entertainment on while you do something productive? Netflix
    Want something cheap and raunchy? Youpr0n

    There is nothing TV does that one of these other things doesn't do better.

    Well, keep feeding me the trash. I really do NOT have anything better to do after working 7am-7pm

    Apr 14, 01:56 AM
    i live in danville california and prices are like 4.60 for diesel. 4.20-ish for regular not really sure i don't look at it when i buy gas since i own a diesel truck.
    EDIT: Most i have ever paid to fill it up was summer of '08, i was at my cabin at lake shasta and diesel was 5.50 a gallon cost me $160
    my mom used to tell me how when she was starting to drive gas was 80 cents a galllon

    Mar 13, 10:55 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)


    Mar 11, 01:53 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Thy just handed out pizza and smart water at southlake!

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