Thursday, June 2, 2011

quotes and sayings about death

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  • BC2009
    May 2, 01:17 PM
    It's just that black is slimming. ;)

    hillarious.... lol.

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  • DirtySocks85
    Mar 28, 03:12 PM
    you realise you contradicted yourself?

    "I hope iOS 5 is good enough that ill unjailbreak"

    "I hope once iOS 5 is out there is a jailbreak soon after"


    Let me attempt to translate the intention there:
    If iOS 5 has enough new features, it will be worth giving up some of these jailbreak features that I really like. That being said, I hope that I don't have to make a choice between iOS 5, and a jailbreak for too long.

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  • yg17
    Apr 25, 09:15 AM
    It should work if you do it this way...

    Clever ;)

    Although I'm personally not a fan of using URL shorteners on forums where there's no character limit, I like seeing what website I'm about to go to, especially since I browse MR while at work. I don't want to click on a link that takes me to ;)

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  • papiti
    May 2, 01:44 PM
    You mean this was not the right tool?
    Image (


    Dude, it is not about the tool, is about that White Phone you see in the picture, You see, that is NOT, and I repeat NOT a white iPhone, that is a fake white Phone. NOW, Do you get it? :cool:


    quotes and sayings about death. heartbroken quotes and sayings
  • heartbroken quotes and sayings

  • bearbo
    Oct 10, 09:17 AM
    They are both based on the Core architecture, that was my only point.
    I thought you were saying that they were completely unrelated.

    Of course they are branded differently, they have different uses.
    Historically Xeon is for high-end workstations and servers, people know and expect this.
    i definitely agree with you that they have very similar underlying technology, but i was just saying that Xeon and Core 2 Duo are two different brand names, Xeon is NOT part of Core 2 Duo

    heck, macbook pro and macbook has very similar technology, but hopefully nobody will say macbook pro is part of macbook or visa versa

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  • macaddict3
    Apr 28, 09:53 AM
    sandy bridge processor
    3g/4g card available input (just incase needed if no wifi in the area for traveling)
    usb 3.0 maybe... in ivy bridge rofl..
    better graphics card not going to get crippled with the intel HD3000
    more ram
    more battery life


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  • Cinch
    Nov 2, 12:29 PM
    I don't see Apple getting more than 10% marketshare anytime soon unless they do something significant.

    I don't know anybody who has switched. I've known a few people who seriously considered it, but when they learned they'd have to spend another $200 for Windows XP so they can run their 'XP Only' things, they settled on a PC.

    I think Apple is more concern with building beautiful computers and fabulously looking music player than they are about selling large amount of PCs or mp3 players. Case in point, my office mate has a dell laptop and when we place our laptops next to one another (mine is a black MacBook) you can definitely tell. Personally, the reason why I brought the MacBook instead of a HP laptop that cost $500 less is because the HP laptop is ugly. It is simple. I don't care about the amazing video card that has a trillion bytes of RAM that I will never see. My MacBook works well (iLife, Safari and Office suite) and looks gorgeous!

    If Apple continues to create stylist electronic devices that are simple to use and help people do things easily, they will gain marketshare albeit not by much.


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  • kingsmuse
    Mar 23, 02:42 PM
    And this will help apple how? People aren't gana buy iOS devices for airplay but will for the atv.

    It will help Apple sell their products to people like me who won`t ever purchase any IOS device until the system is opened up to be compatible across different platforms.


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  • MrSmith
    Nov 18, 07:00 PM
    The real crime is that there are people with hundreds of dollars to throw away on pretty phone covers while a billion people on the planet don't even have access to safe drinking water.

    I'm sure my logic will be ripped apart, but I've made my point. :cool:

    quotes and sayings about death. loving you quotes and sayings.
  • loving you quotes and sayings.

  • Macky-Mac
    Apr 14, 05:01 PM
    Fair enough...

    So how would me exercising my right to refuse to sell X to Y infringe upon Y's "rights"?

    Did I take something from them? Did I commit violence upon them? ....!

    Society has decided that racism is something that's not neutral in its effect. It does harm to the individual victims and ultimately all of the community as well. So, society doesn't let you operate a business in a way that's going to damage the community (LOL, in theory anyway)

    Are you infringing upon Y's rights? Sure. At the very least you've tried to take away Y's basic rights as a citizen to get on with life.

    Did you commit violence? I'm not sure that's exactly the right word but racism is harassment and physical intimidation.


    quotes and sayings about death. i miss you quotes and sayings
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  • JeffTL
    Sep 14, 10:06 PM
    I haven't ever been under general anesthesia per se, but for having my wisdom teeth out about 3 weeks ago I was sedated by IV injection with Diprivan (basically the same thing as a general anesthesia from my perspective -- I was out). An hour beforehand I had taken Ativan as a tranquilizer and during the operation I was given three shots, one of which was Demerol (pain killer) and I think one of the others was Valium. I didn't really perceive anything much that I remember until a while after the surgery -- though third-party accounts indicate that halfway home from the oral surgeon I was able to finally determine that I was in a car on Dodge Street -- but the amnesia effect of the Diprivan was pretty strong (there may have been Versed, I don't know). I do however very vaguely -- almost like a distant dream -- remember waking up after the surgery and telling the nurse I wasn't ready to leave recovery yet.

    Basically it's like nothing at all -- my tranquilized self got into a dental chair, the doctor stuck a butterfly-type IV in my right elbow, and hooked up a syringe of white liquid. I asked what was in the IV, the nurse said it was Diprivan, and I felt myself fade out.

    Obviously back surgery under general anesthesia will be different from oral surgery under conscious sedation, but I've shared my experience FWIW.

    quotes and sayings about death. Osho Short Quotes and Sayings
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  • JackSYi
    Sep 1, 01:48 AM
    I can't wait till MWSF 07.


    quotes and sayings about death. The issues with the death
  • The issues with the death

  • AdeFowler
    Mar 28, 08:48 AM
    after all this hype if iOS 5 is just a small improvement that would be ludicrous.

    What hype? :confused:

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  • KingCrimson
    Apr 28, 05:36 PM
    The report found that 67% of Mac users have a college or advanced degree, as opposed to 54% of PC users. Mac loyalists are 80% more likely than PC users to be vegetarians, and, unlike PC fans, would rather ride a Vespa scooter than a Harley.

    I have a college degree in Computer Science and own a Windows 7 PC and 2 Macs. I like both meat & veggies. Drive a crossover. Scooters are for idiots and I have NO desire to ever own a Harley. maybe a Honda motorcycle. :D

    PC users' tastes trend towards casual clothes, tunafish sandwiches, white wine, Hollywood movies, USA Today and Pepsi. Mac users prefer designer or vintage duds, hummus, red wine, indie films, The New York Times and (we're not making this up) San Pellegrino Limonata.

    I like stylish clothes, red wine, foreign films and tend to read advanced histories rather then the stupid MSM(incl NY Slime).

    Mac users also are more likely to describe themselves as computer-savvy and "early adopters." PC users tend to describe themselves as better at math and less likely to throw frequent parties.

    I don't know what to even say to this one.

    I think the OP has out-done himself this time. :rolleyes::rolleyes:


    quotes and sayings about death. friendship quotes and sayings
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  • peskaa
    Jun 15, 12:45 PM
    Any UI/Software/Dashboard changes?

    I don't mind the new design. I think I'll probably get one in a year or so when I move out.

    Yes and no. There is a "new" Dashboard for waggle controls...I mean Kinetic, allowing easy motion access to things like FB, movies, movies and the basics. However, it'll be controller driven for the main part still.

    quotes and sayings about death. i love you quotes and sayings
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  • rhett7660
    Apr 8, 12:00 AM
    50 billion out of a budget of what? A trillion and a bit? What's really ridiculous is all the petty bitching coming out of DC over what amounts to less than 5% of the total. The Titanic is hit and two engineers are fighting over whether or not to turn on one pump.

    If the government "shuts down", not much will change. Life will continue.

    Not if you count on your paychecks coming from them. Life will continue sure, but it will be a hell of a lot harder.

    This has happened before and it is crap anyway you look at.


    quotes and sayings about death. i love you quotes and sayings
  • i love you quotes and sayings

  • rdowns
    Mar 27, 08:43 AM
    And cut what?

    Medicare fraud
    Defense spending
    Reducing the ridiculous layers of federal, state and local government
    Corporate and farm subsidies
    Welfare fraud

    That's a good start.

    quotes and sayings about death. life quotes and sayings for
  • life quotes and sayings for

  • likemyorbs
    May 3, 10:55 AM
    I blame you Americans. Too much Housewives of Nebraska and The Apprentice.

    There's a Housewives of Nebraska??? Sounds interesting, do they keep their trailers clean? :D

    quotes and sayings about death. Death Sayings For Friends.
  • Death Sayings For Friends.

  • leomac08
    Mar 31, 11:47 AM
    $4.69, $4.79 and $4.89 in Beverly Hills, CA when i went there like 2 weeks ago

    $5.00 for full service... :O

    but in Irvine and the OC average is $4.01 unleaded

    In Inglewood cheapest is $3.97 :(

    Oct 26, 04:46 PM
    Wow, I expected PPC support to drop in a few years, not a few months. Sucks for anyone with the Quad G5s. Sucks for me with my dual G5. :(

    I hope this won't be a common trend.

    Well, I think what happened here is that Adobe was developing this application for Windows only. Then, they saw Intel Macs and said, hey, for a little extra dev work, we can support Macs too!

    The likely problem here is that their underlying sound processing libraries (probably still left over from Cool Edit et al) are heavily reliant on Intel technologies.

    I seriously doubt they started from scratch and decided that they'd do it Intel only just to tick us all off. It's seriously significantly easier to just use Apple's Intel/PPC libraries OR isolate your bottleneck code and #ifdef away the two hand-tweaked assembly bits, than to even support older versions of Mac OS. I mean, seriously: developing an app which is backwards compatible with Jaguar is SIGNIFICANTLY harder than developing (from scratch) an app which supports Tiger/PPC and Tiger/Intel!

    In any case: will this be an emerging trend? Probably. I can imagine a lot of Windows developers will look at their legacy codebase, the newly-changed calculus of Mac compatibility, and decide that it will be easy to slap a Mac-friendly interface on their Windows/Intel code base where that was just plain impossible before. And, yes, there will also be those who otherwise might have taken the plunge into a true Mac version of their software who look at the same calculus and decide it would save them a whole lot of money and cost them only half of their new market to just slap a Mac-happy interface on their old Windows workhorse instead.

    So, for better or ill, that's what we're likely to see. The good part is that it's an increase in software available for the Mac. The bad part is that it's a decrease in software written ground-up to work perfectly on the Mac.

    Sep 22, 10:07 AM
    Isn't it amazing that no matter what the topic of a thread is about it always seems to degrade into people getting mad at how expensive a Macintosh is? Not to change the subjedt or anything...Carry on.


    Jun 20, 10:02 PM
    BTW - using Time Machine with this is a really bad idea!

    If your laptop gets stolen... so does the card inside it!

    Much better to keep your backups at home!

    Yes, but, the mac mini is designed as a desktop, since it needs an external monitor. Although, I'm fairly certain, that, as people posted above, this card reader was put in there for apple's video editing customers, since apple does make a nice business in that industry.

    May 5, 04:25 PM
    Unless Microsoft is selling me Atari Jaguars they shouldn't tell me to "Do the Math".

    They "asked".

    Oct 10, 09:03 AM
    I wish they would concentrate on fixing the flickering display issues...

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