Monday, June 6, 2011

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  • pacmania1982
    Apr 2, 04:38 AM
    I put �20 in the car yesterday, and paid �1.31.9 per liter. Working that out with the exchange rate, I'm paying about $7.75 per US gallon. It currently costs me about �50 ($78) to fill my tank, and I get about 300 miles out of it. I do ~250 miles a week.


    icon rose. icon rose Nootka+rose
  • icon rose Nootka+rose

  • ctsport1234
    Oct 28, 04:51 AM
    the new interface looks great! its about time apple! ;)

    icon rose. Icon Rose Quilt Checkbook
  • Icon Rose Quilt Checkbook

  • WildCowboy
    Nov 21, 04:53 PM
    I find these comments about the website interesting...I guess we care more about a flashy site than a site that just provides the information on what they do in a simple effective way....

    I take it that they are spending their money on developing the chip and not on web design. :p

    In the business world, you need to be able to make a good impression. If you have a flashy website and nothing behind it, you're going nowhere. If you have good substance but poor presentation of it, you can still succeed, but it can be a lot harder than if you've got it presented well.

    Sitting down for an hour with GoLive would provide them with a much better front door to the world. Starting a tech company is hard, but it's easier if you excel in all areas of your business. And yes, publicity is one of those areas.

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  • iMeowbot
    Sep 26, 03:59 AM
    Good point there! I think Apple may in fact be more likely to not want anyone else to get control and 'bastardize' the use. I think it would be good for Apple to gain 'ownership' but not to exert the right that this might entail.
    That's the trouble with trademarks, they are use-it-or-lose-it propositions. You can't simply hold them in trust without actively defending them :(


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  • xIGmanIx
    Apr 5, 10:24 AM
    All this post does is make him sound like you can barely handle the iPad. if that is the case, don't get a Xoom, way to advanced for you, you know things like widgets and usb
    I have used a Moto Xoom. Honeycomb requires you learn a new user interface. Instead of a nice seamless experience where you can get right in to using apps, you have to learn about the literally 3 or 4 different ways to trigger, dismiss, and access apps. If they're utilities, they're accessed one way. If they're apps, you've got an app menu and a desktop-style metaphor to try-- either works. It's confusing as hell. I mean, you can LEARN anything, but why would you want to.

    Bottom line-- a Xoom is $800, it's far less functional, and it's far more confusing to use.

    icon rose. Xochi Wind Rose Icon 555px.png
  • Xochi Wind Rose Icon 555px.png

  • The Beatles
    Apr 14, 03:10 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    You can take they guy out of microsoft.
    Lets just hope they can take microsoft out of the guy. ;)



    icon rose. Icon Love red rose
  • Icon Love red rose

  • bibbz
    Mar 10, 06:45 PM
    I'll be at Knox around noon. :)

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  • Wind rose icon

  • trrosen
    Apr 17, 04:20 AM
    They need to post EVERY SINGLE REQUIREMENT in plain language and say explicitly which of the published policies the app did not meet and give an explanation as to why.
    They do and they did. But the fact is the line between ridicule and a humorous commentary is pretty fuzzy. Expecting a first tier employee to get it right 100% of the time while examining 100 other apps is silly. In fact sometimes the only difference is the reputation of the person making the statement. Fior does push the boundaries in his cartoons.

    Also, They should not be able to deny developers access to certain APIs in order to keep their own products more competitive. (pinch to expand for that photo app that got rejected, in-app brightness control, etc.)

    If Apple can't compete on their own programming and design merits, then they shouldn't be releasing applications in the store. Your a moron. (see now thats ridicule) Limiting access to APIs is part of Apple's design merit. If you allow people to implement thing outside of approved APIs theres no point in having them. APIs are not created as shortcuts for developers they exist to insure compatibility, reliability and consistency. Without then it would all be DOS. If you don't like the rules just write for a platform that doesn't have any...opps sorry there aren't any. The whole point of a platform and a SDK is to give a consistent set of features and limitations thats why every environment limits some API and the usage of others. Even Android has rules, although few outside Google know them as Google has far less transparency then Apple.

    PS you do realize that Apple's photo app is free and comes with the iPad right. That sort of makes they theory of them doing it to prevent competition silly doesn't it.


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  • ChrisNM
    Apr 14, 01:47 PM
    I have never heard of this guy. But having Geocities, Yahoo, and Microsoft on a resume doesn't inspire a great deal of confidence.

    icon rose. Butterfly Icon Rose Crystal
  • Butterfly Icon Rose Crystal

  • Hisdem
    Nov 17, 05:56 PM
    So a 17 year old can do it but a gigantic company with $50 billion lying there can't. Seems logical to me. :rolleyes:

    Wake up Steve. Seriously.


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  • Free Gift Icons-holiday

  • iNeko
    Mar 24, 06:56 AM
    What is pissing me off at this stage is not that the console launches tomorrow or fears over shortages etc, it's the fact that 95% of the launch titles haven't even made it to review which is never a good sign.

    I suspect we are going to see a lot of turkeys tomorrow.

    I've seen a few reviews, ONM gave everything like 8 or 9 out of 10 (no surprises there) and everyone else gave everything 6 out of 10 at most. Pilotwings is the most disappointing, as apparently it's less than an hour long...

    I see that Joystiq and Gamespot and a few other sites (IGN) are starting to put reviews up too, but I'm not that interested in the launch titles! I want to get back to Okamiden and Pok�mon White!

    I think there's plenty of consoles to go around, my order is at "dispatching soon" on Amazon, and other people already have theirs!

    icon rose. hand rose icon
  • hand rose icon

  • brucem91
    May 10, 03:59 PM
    Choosing to run it in osx over windows is just stubborness if you ask me. When all's said and done, you're getting the exact same experience on windows side while in-game, except higher performance.

    The current mobility 4850s in the iMacs CAN run sc2 at native resolution with fluidity. I run max settings and native resolution, spare portraits to 2d, and get 30 fps-- never dip below 24fps. (This is on windows side, the mac osx side gets 20 less fps on average, which is pretty pathetic)Well, like you said, I get the same experience in OS X, just slightly lower graphics settings. Which is fine for me. However, for me, I just prefer to not reboot my mac just for SC II, when it runs in OS X as well. Besides, I normally use iChat or Skype to get voice chat working, which I have set up in OS X. I can't wait though for a week or so when I can then play SC II on my Mom's 27" iMac. I have more VRAM on my MBP, but her screen is so much bigger, so I can't wait. Has anyone played SC II yet on the 27" iMac?


    icon rose. black rose icon
  • black rose icon

  • Scottsdale
    Apr 20, 12:40 PM
    I have zero reason to downgrade to Sandy Bridge with its forced worthless IGP & chipset.

    I do believe the backlit keyboard will make it back IF Apple continues to sell a MacBook. If Apple eliminates the MB and puts the low end MBA in its place at $999, then I suspect the backlit keyboard stays a thing of the past. If however Apple keeps the MB, I think it will conclude that at least the 13" MBA needs the upgraded feature. It is extremely low cost. I would be shocked if it costs $0.50 per MBA unit, and it seems like a big advantage. I think Apple likes to "experiment" with features so it can then add them back and act like they learned their lesson when actually they just want added sales.

    I really don't believe there is any worry about a Sandy Bridge CPU making its way into the MBA. With Apple's update cycles, it could easily just wait for Ivy Bridge. Let's remember that the only Mac that uses low and ultra low voltage CPUs are the two MBAs. Apple can update the MB, Mac mini, and 21.5" iMac to Sandy Bridge standard core CPUs and not get the horrific loss in graphics performance that the MBA would receive with LV and ULV CPUs and their respective IGPs. I just think the vast majority of MBA buyers a, don't care, and b, would be better off with C2D and Nvidia 320m for another year.

    I will be shocked to see a Sandy Bridge MBA unless it includes a standard voltage CPU... Ivy Bridge just makes much more sense.

    icon rose. flower clip art rose. clipart
  • flower clip art rose. clipart

  • nagromme
    Oct 6, 10:18 AM
    Yes, because SO many iPhone 4 users are crying out that it�s just a little too small or a little too big! :p That�s a problem worth throwing vast sums of money and development resources at, not to mention customer confusion and loss of simplicity. Be more like Dell :)


    icon rose. rose tattoo on side rose
  • rose tattoo on side rose

  • LightSpeed1
    Apr 24, 10:57 PM
    Just what I was looking for.... Not.

    icon rose. Rose Of Sharon Icon 555px.png
  • Rose Of Sharon Icon 555px.png

  • Imbalance
    Oct 26, 09:57 AM
    I think it closes at 4pm, I'm here now and it's still fairly busy. Just being told to leave!



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  • Rose Icon Images

  • jakeDude
    Sep 2, 02:35 AM
    Inkhead, you make a good point about the ADA. **In the world of software, it recently has been the little guys that have been walking all over the larger companies (Paypal, Skype, Digg, MySpace, YouTube etc..) etc..**

    Competition is great too. *I am very happy that you are in a sucessful Mac oriented business. We are a community and facing hard times. We both have to work together to get our marketshare up so we can get more shelf space. The amount of non-game software space is very dismal.* To buy a $2500 desktop Mac pro and see very little shelf units can be a hard purchase versus going into Best Buy and seeing rows of PC software.*

    Back to the core issue, *money.. ***XCode and GCC and Interface builder are free..* Obviously someone like Delicious Monster or OmniGroup has tons of resources, they can get free Interns and have the connections.* Wil and Ken Case were presenters this year.* *Wil said in his student talk, Delicious made $54000 in profit the first day..* *

    So, where does that leave independent shops like us?* I want to kick Delicious Monster's butt bad at the 2007 ADA as Wil said they are presenting Version 2 of Delicious Library.. Stuff like OmniPlan is coming out..*

    The reality:*
    *I am a nobody at the conference. But I have a dream and one idea that I think is fresh enough to compete and possibly sell. Its all up to me to implement it and ship it. Steve Jobs said - "Real artists ship."* *Part of the problem is my fault and some of it is not.. *The reality for my situation is obviously better than some and worse off than others.*

    As developers we need:
    1) *development environment (XCode, IB, etc), APIs, sample code and docs
    2) *time
    3) *skill*
    4) *customers or audience
    5) *ideas , features, a purpose for the applications / systems

    The only issues that are currently variable between you, me , and general Mac developer population (750K+ according to the keynote)* are 1 and 2.
    #3 is based on #1 and #2 and we are all coding to the same APIs here using the same tools.

    * * I work for a lavery large insurance company and idiot PHB and alot of time after working as corporate drone can't work on my independent app when I come home.. I'm done from being in the office all day doing .Net development or maintaing others crappy code.* Plus its just me.. I am the only mac developer I know.* I did meet some at the conference, but they were from IT depts or large companies like Watcom.* Not many people want to talk to me at WWDC, I look boring and didnt have any company on my badge. *I would argue that anybody can have the same skill if given enough time to work on a problem.* Alot of successful products such as Delicious Library or this years ADA winners like Line Form were simpler apps compared to something like Modo.

    So,* how do I get more time?*
    *1)* I took off another week of PTO so I can sit at home and bang away on my computer all week. Thats a very limited resource unless I want to quit job and live on rice on beans and find a part time job 3rd shift somewhere so I can code more.

    *2)* Use Apple technologies to the fullest such as Core Animation and QTKit and AppKit and ObjC.. *I do not have time to figure out how to get NSViews on OpenGL views for example, so i will just use the provided documentation.. Im using XCode 3.0, new stuff in ObjC..

    A good application is like a good song.* It can be played unplugged on acoustic guitar or electric guitar.* Between Tiger and Leopard is not as wide as the marketing suggests.* Some applications do not need a glossy Core Animation interface. Animations can be done in others ways.. Look at Omnidazzle or FrontRow or use OpenGL stuff on Tiger.* Look at Photobooth.. This is such a simple application, but it works.

    Reading this forum.. *I live in Austrailia, I have bad injury/medical condition, I am a student etc, too poor etc.. * yes, it sucks!! Trying to make a living as a software developer nowdays is not easy.* I hear you brother.. Everyone thinks they are a developer just because they can write a web page or have XCode or Visual Studio installed or programmed a couple hello world apps in VB or Java.*

    I need the tools like Core Animation ASAP and ObjC features so I can spend more time adding features to my app.* In reality, we really only have until late Spring to get our apps ready for te release of Leopard and until maybe late May until submission for ADA. **That gives us maybe 6 months. *

    Back to the money issue..* Apple cannot give away Leopard seeds for free.. *It eats into Tiger and Leopard sales too much. It breaks too many Applecare when people screw up installing Leopard etc.. Preview seed blew up my Tiger partition i had.. I had to do a clean install :( * Microsoft doesnt do that even.. you have to buy MSDN for that..* There has to be a fee for the conference.* It costs alot to setup and for the 1000 engineers on site etc.. *If the fee isn't high enough, then 20,000 people would show up. I felt WWDC was not code specific enough as it is.. Too many IT tracks and less code samples and sample code released.*Too many people steal Apple's ideas.. Apple spent alot of time at the Keynote going over this.. **So, Apple this year decide to help developers by giving us a seed and having* alot of Leopard sessions and exclusive Leopard documentation.. A lot of documentation is not on the seed and exclusive for WWDC attendees.***

    So, I want everybody to use Leopard feature Z, because it helps Apple because Leopard makes Apple money.. i want more people to buy macs to buy my product, and it pushes for faster hardware (we all love new Apple hardware).

    There is a fine line with what Apple provides.. last year (2005) it was Developer Transition kit.. there wasnt any way to compile/test for Intel unless you had that and was like $1000 until the first Intel based comptuer came out.* Before that it was the same story.. Tiger seed given out at WWDC 2004.. so no way to do Core Data or Core Video unless you had that.*
    There is always going to be dangling carrots like new CPUS or OS versions.* Apple is extremely secretive, they didnt annouce even that they were giving out the seed until it leaked out the day before the conference.
    To answer your question.. what about people that can't afford even the ADC Select? People poorer than myself.* I have ADC Select..* You are asking to let 750K people download Leopard the way Microsoft has done with Vista RC1.*

    My answer.. That doesnt help me with issue #1 and #2 above that I talked about.. Now everyone has all the same tools/docs (unless you are top company like Aspyr, you will always know more NDA stuff) .. So #1, is balanced and drops off.* leaving time #2 as the only difference between me and the other companies. My skill is largely based on time, because I am new to the APIs (partly why I went to WWDC to learn more about QTKit etc..)

    Applications will be won based on time alone.. Small shops like me who are doing this on PTO and nights/weekends will lose..* I need all the help I can do to win the ADA against products from OmniGroup, Deleicious Monster and you and others.. These companies have the seed to.. But really helps me out by letting me catch up agaisnt the unknowns small shops like the guy that wrote F-Script (Phillipe ???) or that Line Form App..*

    If I can go to WWDC sessions to learn and walk away with beter tools and APIs its awesome.. It helps me and Apple benefit.. It just sucks for the people who cannot commit and have to wait 4-8 weeks for the same stuff.* That will be me next year, i am not going to be able to go next year.. I am in the same boat and hear you brother.* I am just the lttle guy here competing against these serial ADA winners....*

    Sorry for the lecture..* I loved your feedback.


    * * **



    icon rose. rose, icon, postcard
  • rose, icon, postcard

  • acarhart
    Sep 20, 06:36 AM
    My Mac Pro was having trouble finding my Mac OS X startup partition. I had to hold down the option key each time to select the startup disk. (I'm not using Boot Camp.)

    Neither update showed up in Software Update, so I downloaded them both from Apple's website.

    The EFI firmware update installed fine (on the second try), and now my computer boots up properly. So I can confirm that this update fixes problems that aren't related to Boot Camp.

    The SMC firmware was already up-to-date on my Mac Pro (ordered last week).

    icon rose. Rose Icon
  • Rose Icon

  • DeSnousa
    May 3, 06:11 PM
    Welcome MacInside_Octo1 to the team.

    Your stats:

    Sep 20, 10:18 AM
    Originally posted by wilburpan

    Well, the price differential is not inconsiderable. Based on the website, I just spec'ed out a Dell computer with a 2.4 GHz Pentium 4 (closest processor to the dual 1.25 Ghz Powermac) and compared it to a similarly outfitted Powermac from the Applestore:

    Although you are correct that there is a HUGE premium on the top of the line Power Mac. The simple fact is that only corporations buy those machines. The lower end Power Mac is targeted more for actual people so the pricing is much more reasonable.

    (Also the laws of economics dictate that the price of any product is exactly the price that people are willing to pay, and has no relation to how "fair" the price is.)

    Jan 4, 10:45 AM
    I can't trust the cellphone networks to stream the data to me. Much rather have the maps on the phone.

    Apr 12, 05:20 PM
    The update, which weighs?

    Weight is other thing. The update has a size of...

    Let's use the English language correctly.

    FYI: it's an expression. LOL.

    OMG, who didn't know that. ( :D

    Jun 19, 09:27 AM
    The standard file system of SDXC cards is exFat ( -- so does this mean the Mini now supports exFat?

    Not necessarily. You could reformat the cards using HFS+ and use it on any device that can read HFS+. The trouble is, that likely wouldn't include any device using the SDXC standard.

    Apr 3, 12:01 PM
    If states went into deficits because people didn't have enough money to pay their taxes how will raising taxes solve this problem?

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